2020:UK progress against Courtauld 2025 targets and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3. Author: Andrew Parry, Billy Harris, Karen Fisher and Hamish Forbes

2020:UK progress against Courtauld 2025 targets and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3. Author: Andrew Parry, Billy Harris, Karen Fisher and Hamish Forbes

UK progress against Courtauld 2025 targets and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3

This report outlines progress in reducing UK food waste and greenhouse gas emissions associated with food consumed in the UK
– in the context of the Courtauld Commitment 2025 targets (2015 to 2018) and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 (2007 to 2018)

Author: Andrew Parry, Billy Harris, Karen Fisher and Hamish Forbes

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